By Matt Norris:

With Seven teams left, I’m wondering how much longer we’ll have to wait for a non elimination pit stop. I’m thinking today is a good chance of it. Ken/Tina and Terence/Sarah are the first two teams to leave and they find out the next stop is Siem Reap, Cambodia. Then they’ll have to find the next clue at a road side gas pumping station to find the next clue. At least the airport will be open now so we might possibly start getting some distance between the teams. Terence gets pulled over on the way to the airport and I’m quite happy that he didn’t start bawling at the cop when he got his ticket. He did ask Sarah to give him a new pair of panties though.
There are only a few flights available today and Terence/Sarah run and catch the flight making them only the second team along with Ken/Tina to make the first flight flight. Kelly/Christy are the first team to make the second flight just ahead of Toni/Dallas. Kelly and Christy make fun of Dallas’s hair while he returns the favor by commenting on their overly made up faces. He really needs to work on his insulting capabilities. For example, If I was Dallas when those girls made fun of my hair, I would have said “Listen bitches, just because your husbands couldn’t stand you and divorced you, don’t take it out on me.” Now that’s a BURN!
Meanwhile, Aja/Ty are on their way to the airport while Andrew/Dan are trying to get on the same flight as Team “Damaged Goods”. Andrew’s pitiful dancing and overall dorkiness makes the lady at the airline say that their chances of making the flight are doubtful. However, The Amazing Race went immediately to commercial break which always means that whatever problem a team faces before the commercial will automatically fix itself after the commercial break. What a shock. They get on another airline! Ty and Aja, though, can’t leave for Singapore until the following day so they are screwed more or less.
The other six teams all catch up on the connector flight in Singapore and get to Siem Reap at the same time. Toni/Dallas end up at a hotel while Kelly/Christy go to an actual gas station. Sigh, have they ever read a clue correctly? Nick/Starr jump to the lead by actually going to the correct place. Once there the teams must use a hand crank/pump to fill the truck with 25 liters of diesel fuel so they can get the next clue. Nick/Starr finish the task before any other teams arrive. Finally other teams arrive (minus the Aja/Ty) with Toni/Dallas finishing the task 2nd. Andrew/Dan cannot figure out how to work the pump and decide to walk around staring aimlessly at the other teams as they figure it out. Even Kelly/Christy are stronger than Andrew/Dan! Of all teams, I would have figured Andrew/Dan would have the most experience cranking a shaft. Oh well.
The next clue states that once done filling their tanks, teams get in the back of the truck and head to Siem Reap Harbor where they will take a boat to a Kho Andeth, a floating restaurant. On the way Starr freaks out that she and Nick are going the wrong way so she jumps out of the truck to check if they are going the right way. Starr’s worry pushes them to fourth but it matters little as the four lead teams arrive at the boats at roughly the same time.
Just because I feel like it, let’s update the “Man I Want To Punch Him In The Face” list.
3. Dan- For being an annoying dork.
2. Terence- For being a sissy.
3. Terence’s Dad- for raising Terence.
Okay back to the action! Tina starts whining and moaning to Ken about the possibility of getting passed haha and then sure enough, they all pass them. Shoulda listened to the whining, Ken! Maybe you could have learned to speak Cambodian and got your driver to go faster. Terence/Sarah are in the lead and almost to the restaurant when their engine blows up. Terence uses a stick to push them forward while Sarah does nothing but watch all the teams pass them by. Nick/Starr are the first to get the Detour and they must choose between Village Life and Village Work. With “Life”, they must get some fake teeth from a dentist, a doll from the tailor, and a basketball from a floating basketball court. They must then take all the items to a man at the dock for the next clue. “Work” requires teams to wade into water and find fish inside traps and then return them to the dock. Nick/Starr, Toni/Dallas, Andrew/Dan, and Aja/Ty chose Village Work while Ken/Tina, Kelly/Christy and Terence/Sarah (although they still have boat problems) chose Village Life. The show keeps editing Ty/Aja into the actions but they are hours behind no matter what the cuts say.
After the detour, the order of teams are:
1. Nick/Starr
2. Ken/Tina
3. Toni/Dallas
4. Terence/Sarah
5. Kelly/Christy
6. Andrew/Dan
7. Aja/Ty
After the detours, the teams take these scooter/cart contraptions to Angkor Wat which is just gorgeous. Once there, teams find a Roadblock which only one person can do. The person must search the temple for the “chamber of echoes” and thump their chest to make the sound echo through the chamber. Besides being gorgeous, Angkor Wat is also freaking huge and the team members struggle to find the room. Once they find the room, they get the clue which leads them to the pit stop at the Bayon Temple. Bayon Temple is 12th century Buddhist temple and it is even more beautiful than Angkor Wat. Nick/Starr reach the pit stop followed by Toni/Dallas, Terence/Sarah, Ken/Tina, Kelly/Christy, and Andrew/Dan. Aja/Ty have been destined for last place since the beginning of t he episode but my “non-elimination round feeling” has been ringing in my head all night. Shocking to me, I was wrong! Aja/Ty are eliminated in a fairly unsurprising episode. As the cheesy music plays, Ty promises to move to Los Angeles to be with his lady. Aww.
Next week, Dallas puts the move on Starr, Ken finally has enough of Tina’s constant nagging, and Terence gets a French manicure because he needs to get in touch with his feminine side to better understand Sarah. Okay, one of these things is not true but I bet you have a hard time figuring it out. See you next week!
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