Radio Free Asia, By Khim Sarorng
20th October 2008
Translated from Khmer by Khmerization
The families of the soldiers killed during the fighting with Thai troops on 15th October will receive $US9000 for each family in financial assistance from the government and ex-king Sihanouk.
Three Cambodian soldiers were killed during the fighting and three others were wounded.
The statement issued by the government on 17th October stated that the government has decided to assist the families of the dead soldiers to the amount of $US8000 and 1 million Riels for each family. The families of the wounded soldiers will receive $US2021 and 260,000 Riels each.
At the same time, ex-king Sihanouk has said from Beijing that he will donate $US1000 to each dead solders’ family and $US500 to each wounded soldiers’ family.
Other than financial assistance from the government and the ex-king, there were donations from government officials and other domestic and overseas donors as well.
The three dead soldiers were:
1. Colonel Phert Khambai, 47 years old, from battalion 121 embedded to Division 12. He was born in Narong village, Chhep commune, Chhep district, Preah Vihear province (near Laotian border). His wife’s name is Bea Sann, 46 years old. He has 7 children who live at Veal Rumpouk Barrack with battalion 121 in Kraing village, Preah Khlaing commune, Tbeng Meanchey district, Preah Vihear province.
2. Captain Toch Soeun, embedded with Border Protection Unit 404 of the Fourth Military Region. He was born in O’Kap Moan village, O’Mlu commune, Stungtrong district, Kampong Cham province. His wife’s name is Horm So-Onn, 42 years. He has 9 children who live in Toul Prosoeur village, Bak Anlong commune, Trapeang Prasat district, Oddor Meanchey province.
3. Captain Lon Deth, embedded with Border Protection Unit 431. He was born in Kroya village, Kroya commune, Santouk district, Kampong Thom province. His wife’s name is Sam Trea (deceased). He has 6 children who live at the headquarter of Border Protection Unit 431 based at Sra-Em village, Kantout commune, Choam Ksan district, Preah Vihear province.//
1. If you would like to make a donation to the dead soldiers' families, please visit: Appeal for donations to the dead soldiers' families.
20th October 2008
Translated from Khmer by Khmerization
The families of the soldiers killed during the fighting with Thai troops on 15th October will receive $US9000 for each family in financial assistance from the government and ex-king Sihanouk.
Three Cambodian soldiers were killed during the fighting and three others were wounded.
The statement issued by the government on 17th October stated that the government has decided to assist the families of the dead soldiers to the amount of $US8000 and 1 million Riels for each family. The families of the wounded soldiers will receive $US2021 and 260,000 Riels each.
At the same time, ex-king Sihanouk has said from Beijing that he will donate $US1000 to each dead solders’ family and $US500 to each wounded soldiers’ family.
Other than financial assistance from the government and the ex-king, there were donations from government officials and other domestic and overseas donors as well.
The three dead soldiers were:
1. Colonel Phert Khambai, 47 years old, from battalion 121 embedded to Division 12. He was born in Narong village, Chhep commune, Chhep district, Preah Vihear province (near Laotian border). His wife’s name is Bea Sann, 46 years old. He has 7 children who live at Veal Rumpouk Barrack with battalion 121 in Kraing village, Preah Khlaing commune, Tbeng Meanchey district, Preah Vihear province.
2. Captain Toch Soeun, embedded with Border Protection Unit 404 of the Fourth Military Region. He was born in O’Kap Moan village, O’Mlu commune, Stungtrong district, Kampong Cham province. His wife’s name is Horm So-Onn, 42 years. He has 9 children who live in Toul Prosoeur village, Bak Anlong commune, Trapeang Prasat district, Oddor Meanchey province.
3. Captain Lon Deth, embedded with Border Protection Unit 431. He was born in Kroya village, Kroya commune, Santouk district, Kampong Thom province. His wife’s name is Sam Trea (deceased). He has 6 children who live at the headquarter of Border Protection Unit 431 based at Sra-Em village, Kantout commune, Choam Ksan district, Preah Vihear province.//
1. If you would like to make a donation to the dead soldiers' families, please visit: Appeal for donations to the dead soldiers' families.
2. Khmerization's comment: All our dead soldiers are officers. Is it possible that they were executed by the Thais while they went to negotiate with the Thai troops to prevent the armed clash or for the ceasefire? The circumstances of their deaths should be fully investigated and reveal to the public.
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