A Change of Guard

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Saturday, 2 August 2008

NEC says another vote possible but procedure must be followed

On 30th July, Sam Rainsy (pictured) led 400 people to protest against the election results.

By Khoun Leakhana
The Mekong Times

The National Election Committee (NEC) can order another ballot at any polling station affected by technical problems, Tep Nytha, secretary general of the NEC, said Thursday, but any actions must follow electoral procedure.
“To decide to hold a reelection, first of all we have to rely on law,” he said. “If the municipal and provincial committees find severe irregularities in any voting office or commune, they can propose that the NEC conduct a re-election there. If the NEC discovers a serious case of irregularities, the NEC can decide to conduct a re-election within a period of eight days after the decision is made.”
To date, the NEC has received about 100 complaints from all over the country, most of which involve the issuance of controversial 1018 forms that permit anonymous voting.
NEC officials stressed that alleged irregularities were few in comparison to the number of voters.
“In some provinces, they [officials] are currently calculating results,” Tep Nytha said. “Our NEC officials reported that there have not yet been any serious cases [of irregularities].”
Opposition protests against allegedly rigged election results were to be expected, Tep Nytha said. “I understand that this can be a bad Cambodian habit after election … Ever since 1993, elections have had protests, and sometimes the protests were inappropriate and in breach of procedures, but this is the right of political parties in any democratic country.”

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