A Change of Guard

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Thursday, 3 July 2008

Cambodia's Ancient Temples Threatened by Growing Tourism

With Cambodia fast becoming a popular destination, the country faces a new problem of deteriorating temples at Angkor Wat due to mass tourism.

Experts warn that the temple’s soft stone cannot withstand the damage afflicted to it everyday by the thousands of tourists visiting the sites and that soon they will be permanently destroyed, according to CCTV.

The main problem is considered to be the vehicle pollution that is brought in by tourists according to Professor Jacques Gaucher, an excavator of the ancient city.

In facing these problems the government have closed off some areas of the site and boarded stairways, but this is just a stepping stone in Gaucher’s eyes for long term protection.

The temples at Angkor Wat are world-famous as the best surviving examples of ancient religious architecture and after being lost for centuries, were only rediscovered in 1860. Future generations will only be able to experience the temples if more action is taken straight away to preserve the site.

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