A Change of Guard

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Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Democracy Group Calls on Cambodians to Vote

26 May 2008

Khmer audio aired May 26 (1.06MB) - Download (MP3) audio clip
Khmer audio aired May 26 (1.06MB) - Listen (MP3) audio clip

The Cambodian-American for Human Rights and Democracy Association is urging all capable Cambodians to vote in July’s general election.

“Khmer people should change their leader through election,” said association president Yap Kem Tung. “Don’t stay at home; your ballot is very valuable to change the country.”

The Democracy Association was established to monitor the judicial, political, rights and democracy sectors of Cambodia, he said, speaking on the third anniversary of the group.

The association “is working hard to raise funds from Cambodia people who live in America in order to help the Students’ Movement for Democracy for opening an education session on human rights, democracy and law to the Cambodian youths,” said Mong Heng, an adviser to the association.

The association gave about $4,500 to the student’s group, he said.

The Democracy Association has 11 members, based in Virginia, and has urged senators in Washington to help in the release of defrocked monk Tim Sakhorn, who was detained by Vietnamese authorities in mid-2007 following his reported ejection from Cambodia.

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