A Change of Guard

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Thursday, 24 April 2008

Teen Arrested In Cambodian New Year Shooting

Innocent Bystander Killed By Stray Bullet, Police Say

Read previous report about this shooting

MODESTO, Calif. -- An 18-year-old man was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of shooting an innocent bystander to death, Modesto police said.
Detectives think Sarath Prak shot Chanthol Ouk, 43, as he celebrated Cambodian New Year last week.
Another suspect, 23-year-old Kao Phompong, is still being sought by detectives. Phompong may have driven Prak's getaway vehicle.
A 17-year-old Modesto resident and 26-year-old Sophea Sam were both arrested on suspicion of helping to conceal evidence and aid Prak and Phompong to avoid capture.
Officer Ra Pouv was credited with finding out receiving information from community members about possible suspects, police said.
Ouk, a Long Beach resident, was visiting Modesto for a Cambodian New Year celebration and was killed by a stray bullet during a drive-by shooting, police said.

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