A Change of Guard

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Friday, 4 April 2008

A Sam Rainsy Party Activist Was Chopped 10 Times With An Axe

Sam Rainsy Party logo.

By Khmerization

A Sam Rainsy Party activist from O’Khmum village, Sdao commune in Ratanak Mundol district, Battambang has been hacked 10 times with an axe and is now in a critical condition.

Cheat Sineath, 24, had been attacked at 12 midnight on the 28th of March. The attacker was identified as Ouch Kosal. Mr. Heng Sochea, father of the victim complained that, despite the attacker had been identified the police refused to arrest him.

Mr Heng said: “In the morning the police in Sdao commune had asked me to pay them for the petrol. We lodged a complaint on the afternoon of 29th but they only arrested the suspect at 20:30 PM on the 30th, but later that day the suspect was released.”

The chief of Ratanak Police, Mr. Lim Sern, dismissed the accusations by saying that: “There is no clear evidence to the allegations to charge the suspect. It is only an allegation from the witness without concrete evidence, corroborated between the victim and the witness and then made the allegations. It is very hard for us to charge the suspect. So, we have to provide justice to all concerned, but we will send the suspect to the prosecutor soon.”

President of the human right organisation LICADHO, Battambang branch, Mr. Soun Tek, said that if the police did not seek warrant for the arrest of the suspect it would allow the suspect a chance to escape. He said: “I have observed that when the people reported the case to me that they have lodged a complaint to the police, the police said that they will arrest the suspect tomorrow and when tomorrow comes, they another tomorrow.”

It must be noted that as the July election draws near, political violence increased, as in the case with every previous election. //

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