A Change of Guard

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Thursday 10 January 2008

Company and authorities intent on disorder in Dey Krahorm

Another human right abuse: Born Samnag and Sok Sam-Oeun accused by police of killing union leader, Chea Vichea.

Company and Authorities Intent on Inciting Disorder in Dey Krahorm

Released by Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO)

January 8, 2008 - The 7NG company and Phnom Penh authorities are deliberately creating an extremely volatile situation through their renewed provocative actions toward the Dey Krahorm community, LICADHO said today."This campaign of provocation and harassment of the community must be stopped before it further spins out of control," said LICADHO director Naly Pilorge. "The company and the authorities seem to be playing a very dangerous game of trying to incite disorder by the community at any cost, in order to be able to blame them for whatever occurs."For the past three nights, 7NG workers and police have persistently attempted to place roadblocks on the two main public streets leading to Dey Krahorm, provoking repeatedly confrontations with community residents which culminated last night with the burning of a truck used in one of the roadblocks. Residents claim that it was 7NG workers themselves who set the truck alight, in order to accuse the community of doing it.

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