A Change of Guard

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Monday, 6 July 2015

Sam Rainsy: Culture of Dialogue Will Save Cambodia from Bloodshed

Sunday, 05 July 2015; News by Khmer Times/Chea Vannak

CNRP President Sam Rainsy and party members praying with monks in remembrance of the victims of Phnom Penh’s bloody military clash 18 years ago. KT Photo: Chea Vannak

PHNOM PENH (Khmer Times) – At the Cambodia National Rescue Party Headquarters on Sunday, the party’s president declared that bloody clashes with the government like those of July 1997 will never happen again.

Sam Rainsy spoke at the party’s remembrance of the victims of the July 5 and 6 clash 18 years ago in Phnom Penh  between Hun Sen’s military forces and Prince Ranariddh’s troops.

Mr. Rainsy said the sad event is a good lesson on non-violence for politicians. “CNRP will obey non-violent culture, especially the culture of dialogue,” Mr. Rainsy said. He vowed to remember the clash every year and to find justice for the victims through the independent court system. This will be achieved through democracy, he said.

“To have an independent court there must be real democracy, and to have the real democracy there must be a fair election which demands that the National Election Committee work effectively,” Mr. Rainsy said.


Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

Finally, Sam Rainsy has been tamed. I'll go and search for Youtube clips of Prince Ranariddh's troops getting owned. It's fun to watch bad Khmer getting punished.


Anonymous said...

Yes, it's in the Viet's gene!!! -Drgunzet-, a racist Vietnamese!!!

Topix › China › Drgunzet is a chronic liar and Vietna...
Drgunzet is a chronic liar and Vietnamese racist !!!


Take a look!!!