A Change of Guard

សូមស្តាប់វិទ្យុសង្គ្រោះជាតិ Please read more Khmer news and listen to CNRP Radio at National Rescue Party. សូមស្តាប់វីទ្យុខ្មែរប៉ុស្តិ៍/Khmer Post Radio.
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Saturday, 4 July 2015

ការបង្ហាញ​ផែន​ទីស បោះពុម្ព​នៅ​វៀត​ណាមក្រោម​សន្ធិ​សញ្ញាឆ្នាំ​២០០៥

School of Vice: Why must Cambodia insist on using maps printed in Vietnam and have this requirement included in the 2005 Treaty?

NB: Uncle Hong's spoken Khmer is even worse than School of Vice's! I can never make head or tail of his speech ... Is this a reflection of old age OR deliberate salesman's gibberish to confound the press and watching public?! And as if this is not curious enough, the man frequently asks that we all stop raising border issues again! No wonder the country has shrunk to its current size then...


Anonymous said...

To all Khmer and foreign readers:

Drgunzet (Yuon/Vietnamese poster) is located in Boise, Idaho.

Khmer Yeourng

Anonymous said...

DrGunZet is now on KIMedia facebook,
and Soon it's Khmerization's turn...

It's in the Viet's Gene!!!... DrGunZet is a racist Viet!!!

Topix › China › Drgunzet is a chronic liar and Vietnamese racist...

Drgunzet is a chronic liar and Vietnamese racist !!!
Take a look at the link below:

Drgunzet is a chronic liar and Vietnamese racist !!!
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Anonymous said...

Dear compatriots,

I am so depressed after looking at the Cambodia map. A lot of Khmer lands had been lost to this evil Yuon.

And this evil Yuon is still wanted to get some more of Khmer lands until Cambodia disappear like Champa.

I would like to take this opportunity to exhort to the so called Khmer Nationalists such as the crazy Mam Sonando ( or Khmer people called him Ah Chkuot Mam Sonando ) to think twice about the creation of a new party, which will ONLY serve the Yuon puppet CPP party.

The top priority is to win the election first.

If Hun Sen and the CPP don't relinquish the power, we will fight from there because we had experience from the 2013 election. Hun Sen had already gotten assurance from the people that they will not make any retaliation against him if he steps down. Therefore, we are in a better position to get the power from the CPP if we win.

And we need to win the election first. We cannot win if we don't unite.

93 years old woman

Anonymous said...

T H E C H O I C E I S Y O U R S!

5 July 2015 at 01:15


You are the one who glorify this asshole DrGunzet by keep reading his stupid comments.


Anonymous said...

It's so sad ខ្មែរ បានបាត់ដីកឺដោយសាររបៀបនេះហើយ គឺអ្នកដឹកនាំខ្មែរជួយកាត់ដីខ្មែរឲ្យទៅយួន ហើយខំនិយាយសំឡុតខ្មែរ លាក់បាំងការពិត ចុះបើខ្លាចយួនម្តេចមិននិយាយឲ្យត្រង់ៗទៅ ថាខ្មែរមិនអាចធ្វើអីគេបានទេ ព្រោះពូលីសនឹងទាហ៊ាន មួយណាក័នៅក្រោមការត្រួតត្រារបស់យួនដែរ តែធ្វើម្តេចការពិតពួក ហ៊ុន​​សែន ច្បាស់ ជាមិនហ៊ានហាមាត់ទេ។

Anonymous said...

អា​ ឆារី? 5 July 2015 at 11:09

មានតែ អាឯង យួន​ ឬ​ ក៏សត្វធាតុទេ ដែលអាអែងអត់ឈឺចាប់នោះ អាចុយម្រ៉ាយ!!!

Anonymous said...

Or unless ah Chhary is ah 'Khmerization' himself or a hard-core Viet's sympathizer? if so you are screwed!!!

And we are happy you signed with your name ah CHHARY!!!

Anonymous said...

5 July 2015 at 11:18

This asshole DrGunzet has no power to destroy Khmer. Yuon in Cambodia and in Vietnam that are destroying Cambodia and Khmer people.

You need to use your brain (if you have any) to focus on the right problem.

I just don't waste my time reading Ah Drgunzet's comments.

If you are so dumb to make good judgment, you need to stay away from the internet.


Anonymous said...

Are you saying you are ah 'Khmerization' ah Chhary?
If you are so fucking smart not to know what the internet is, yourself, you should get the fuck out and shut off this fucking blog​​ កូនមីចុយម្រ៉ាយ!!!

Anonymous said...

For harboring the racist Viet, you will be soon see yourself on all over Khmer network/blog along with this racist Viet DrGunZet...

... And what are you trying to Khmerize ah Chhary by calling naming your blog 'Khmerization'??? Khmerize all the YUON's problems [making the YUON problems Khmer's eh?]


Anonymous said...

5 July 2015 at 11:38
5 July 2015 at 12:09

Can you use your time helping to find the solution to save Cambodia from Ah Kantorb, Ah Cher Chkoy Teang Pi Kbal? Why fighting with Khmer for no reason?
Khmerization admin. have been working so hard to provide the current and intriguing news for Khmer people around the world.
Now, you're accusing Khmerization of pro Yuon.
Hun Sess

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

I will give the Khmer folks one more day to deal with your own kind before I go to this link:


and start posting my theory/research about the Khmer. My conscience will rest for whatever happens in the future against the Khmer. But the world needs to know about your kind.


Anonymous said...

Too late 5 July 2015 at 15:16, you have been advertised [as racist Viet] on one of khmer facebook already:


Soon you partner in crime is going to join you there too.

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

I am going to publish my theory about Khmer race got creamed repeatedly. And the last creaming also included a slam-dunk of massive spread with Khmer Rouge rape genes.

I will include Google search results to show the extreme low ratio of Khmer students wearing eye-glasses to support my theory: Intellectual genes have been repeatedly creamed off.

All of my proofs will be in the form of Google or Youtube searches. There are massive number of evidences on the internet to be found. Khmer race will not look pretty.

It's a big mistake for you folks to provoke me. Now, you will eat some more B-52 bombs. I am here to help you folks to behave: lay low and improve, stop causing problem in the world.


Anonymous said...

Yeah...why stopping there...write a book! I'll be the first one to buy it...

RealKhmer said...

RealKhmer said...


Too harmonious and too innocent by Khmer for centuries, that is why we loss two-third of our territories and millions of Khmer blood are loss. Yuon likes harmonious Khmer people, so they take our land, and then kill us all. Yuon want us to believe that they are vicious people, and want to intimidate us.

It is now the time that we must change our perception from being so harmonious, innocent, and just blatantly stupid for too long.

We need to be blunt, brave, speak your mine, undeter, and being vicious to the people that want to KILL us and taking our lands

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

I am not writing any book nor any article. It will be a very short post with a few sentences.

The style of my post is very concise, easy to read and contain irrefutable arguments along with unbiased Google searches as evidence.

I will let the audience to click on the searches and select their own search results to see the evidences. Clearly I would also let them form their own oppinion.

You folks are making a huge mistake in provoking me. I have already said many times before: Be aware of the talented ones with vast superiority over you.

Would you say I am a unique individual with a unique style you have ever encountered? When I met the Vietnamese, the Buddhists thought I was their Buddha, the Catholics would say, "Oh my God...", the non-believers thought I was a super human or an alien from another planet.

But you folks dare to challenge and provoke me, so I will punish and teach you some lesson.


Anonymous said...


I provoke you, so go f**k yourself, your siblings or get f**ked in the face to stop you from being a big mouth, motherf**ker.
Go and do whatever you want to do, there is no need to bark, ok stupid motherf**ker!

Anonymous said...

Shit...this lost German Shepherd barks and bites too.

ឌឹលឡា អើយ ឌឹលឡា ហិម៉ាលីស្ហូ ឌឹលឡា
ឌឹលឡា អើយ ឌឹលឡា ហិម៉ាលីស្ហូ ឌឹលឡា
ចាក់ចូចចាក់ចូច យាយតា​ លោកអើយ គាត់អោយ លុយចាយ
ឧិណា៎ណា៎ កែវណា៎ លោកអើយ គាត់អោយ លុយចាយ...

Anonymous said...

Ah drunkzet have Hitler blood ,He want destroy Khmer like Hitler destroy Jews. All Khmer has to stop Ah Hitler Drunkzet.

Anonymous said...

Only the owner of this blog can stop that enraged lost German Shepherd. So far the cat seems to have gotten his tongue already!!!

Kal [ខាល]

Anonymous said...

I agree.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

Even with one 'YES' I will keep this blog as is because I am the freaking owner of this bloody blog. Sue me if anybody wants to.

Chhary (Khmerization)

Anonymous said...

I agree.

Bun Thoeun

6 July 2015 at 05:48


I give you this analogy:

There are XXX magazines (DrGunzet) and good magazines (other commentators) on the market.

They told you XXX magazines are bad. Don't read it. But you chose to read it. And now you blame the store owners for allowing the XXX magazines to sell in their store.

Where is the sense of morale responsibility in your low life?

Also, you are using my name (Bun Thoeun) to make comment in Khmerization.

Grow up man !! If you are still a child, keep going to school.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

Ah Bun Thoeun

6 July 2015 at 06:30

Stop using my name Ah pleu!

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

6 July 2015 at 06:42

I cannot argue with a mentally disturbed man like you.

Cambodia is currently in great danger of losing completely to the evil Yuon.

If you are a Khmer, why do you waste your time fighting for nothing ?

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

But then again -Drgunzet- is a mentally disturbed man too.

Bun Thoeun