A Change of Guard

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Sunday, 19 April 2015

Kep authorities shut down swimming pool after five people killed [Hotel owner should be prosecuted]

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PHNOM PENH (The Cambodia Herald) -- Kep authorities shut down a swimming pool at the Rock Royal Hotel after at least five people drowned in the pool in the last two years.
General Ung Sam Ol, Kep police chief, said that provincial authorities decided to close the swimming pool in the Rock Royal Hotel after two people drowned  on 15 April.
He said authorities previously advised the hotel owner to raise awareness after drowning accidents.
According to a source, a six-year-old boy from Kampong Spue province drowned when he swam in the pool with his parents on 15 Apri, second day of Khmer New Year.
The source said after one person drowned in afternoon, another 17-year-old young man from Phnom Penh city also drowned in the same day.
Following the death of two people in just one day, Kep authorities established a committee to inspect the pool and they eventually sought permission from Kampot prosecutor to shut down the swimming pool in Rock Royal Hotel.
Police also arrested two people at the hotel and brought them to the police station for questioning before sending them to Kampot Provincial Court.

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