A Change of Guard

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Thursday 9 January 2014

Trying hard to smile

Jan 7th 2014, by L.H. | PHNOM PENH
ACROSS Cambodia everyone still loyal to Hun Sen, the prime minister, was putting on a brave face. This was, after all, a time for cross-border backslapping marking the 35th anniversary of the Vietnamese invasion that drove out Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge and installed a new government—the same one that rules today.
Ordinary Cambodians however were locked out of the display of allegiance, which was carefully stage-managed by the ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) near the banks of the Mekong river.
More than 20,000 school children, senior military officials and hand-picked members of the party faithful applauded on cue as Heng Samrin, an elder of the CPP, spoke of the harmonious and vibrant society that emerged from the decades of war, back in 1979. Mr Hun Sen smiled and waved.
He had nothing to say about what was going on in the present-tense society, which he has ruled now for almost 30 years. In particular he made no mention of his brutal crackdown on dissent, the one that killed five people, injured another 20 and brought to a sudden halt months of protest by the opposition Cambodian National Rescue Party (CNRP); labour strikes by the country’s garment workers; and protests over land-grabbing.
The three strains of dissent were all galvanising into a single force. Rallies of more than 60,000 to 70,000 people were becoming common, with the unions pushing to double the minimum wage ($80 from a month to $160) as the CNRP continued to demand Mr Hun Sen’s resignation. They regard him guilty of cheating in the election of July 2013.
Like Mr Hun Sen himself, most of the local media championed the Vietnamese victory from decades ago and ignored the suppression of Cambodians today. Footage shot by protesters and some journalists, however, went viral on social media.
Even in the remotest provinces villagers were able to watch images of the violence that had been brought to bear against the striking garment workers. In addition to those killed and wounded, at least another 28 have been detained and many more went into hiding after plainclothes thugs smashed their way through Freedom Park, a zone in the heart of the capital where demonstrators had established a semi-permanent base.
Two leaders of the CNRP, Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha, have been summoned to appear in court. General repression orders have been extended. Public gatherings of 10 people or more have been banned, universities have told students not to hold political rallies or even “sensitive political discussion”. The army and police in riot gear carry automatic weapons on routine patrols of the streets.
After two decades of oversight by the United Nations, and more than $100 billion of foreign aid, the future of Cambodia’s democracy is now looking bleak. Some members of the CPP are saying that the practice of democracy itself is being suspended until the next election, due in 2018.
The economy is teetering too. Foreign garment-makers like Levi-Strauss, Puma and Gap are among the brands who are reviewing their options in the aftermath of the violence against Cambodia’s workers. Combined, these firms spent more than $5 billion on Cambodian-made garments in the past year. Revenues earned accounted for a third of the government’s annual budget.
Though their street protests have been called off, the workers remain on strike. Mr Sam Rainsy is avoiding his summons and vowing to splinter the anti-government forces into smaller groups, spreading them out into the countryside, where they would be harder to detect and suppress.
That will not please Mr Hun Sen. His distaste for any form of dissent is well-documented. Indeed it partly explains the dwindling away of his popularity, which was put on view for all to see in the dramatic drop in the number of seats his party won (or claimed to win )in July.
The prime minister’s actions over the past week are not likely to win him any new friends, though he evidently stands in need. Even smiling faces will be rare, whenever he’s not attending formal events designed to tout the glories of his party’s past.
(Picture credit: AFP)

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