A Change of Guard

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Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Ministry of Interior dismisses rumor of Chhouk Bandith’s arrest តើលោក ឈូក បណ្ឌិត ត្រូវចាប់ខ្លូនឬក៏បានគេចខ្លូន?

PHNOM PENH (The Cambodia Herald) – The Ministry of interior has dismissed the claim by Svay Rieng prosecutor who said Chhouk Bandith had been arrested Wednesday in Mondulkiri province.

Khieu Sopheak, spokesman for Ministry of Interior, immediately denied the statement after it was broadcasted that Chhouk Bandith, former Bavet governor, had been arrested.

Hing Bunchea, Svay Rieng prosecutor revealed the information after he heard of the arrest and added that the police would have to bring Bandith to appear before him before sending him to jail.

Chhouk Bandith was sentenced last month to one year and six months in prison on the charges of unintentionally injuring three women when he opened fired on to protesting workers in Bavet last year.

Besides ordering the arrest of Bandith after  the verdict announcement on June 25, the Svay Rieng Court also asked him to pay 38 million Reil in compensation to the three victims, Bun Chenda, Nuth Sakhorn and Keo Nea.

In early 2013, Svay Rieng Court had dropped the charges against Chhouk Bandith, who was removed from office after the incident in the Manhattan Special Economic Zone, stating that the court didn’t have enough evidence.

But in March, the Court of Appeals ordered Svay Rieng Court to reopen and review Bandith’s case. - See more at: http://www.thecambodiaherald.com/cambodia/detail/1?page=15&token=NjFlM2I1NzIwN2I#sthash.wUhDvK4a.dpuf

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Clown's state,a mockery to the justice.
Only sub-human that can live under this under world.
They can run,they can hide,but they can't escape.

You can not hide your crime,under your bed.

True Khmer