A Change of Guard

សូមស្តាប់វិទ្យុសង្គ្រោះជាតិ Please read more Khmer news and listen to CNRP Radio at National Rescue Party. សូមស្តាប់វីទ្យុខ្មែរប៉ុស្តិ៍/Khmer Post Radio.
Follow Khmerization on Facebook/តាមដានខ្មែរូបនីយកម្មតាម Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/khmerization.khmerican

Monday, 8 July 2013

កងទ័ពសង្រ្គោះជាតិ - ព្យុះហយាត្រានេះហាក់ដូចជាមានមនុស្សចូលរួមចំនួនរាប់សែននាក់! CNRP election campaign - looks like it is a 100,000 army march!



Anonymous said...

It's nice to see this kind of mass rally by the opposition. The participants join in voluntarily, the rally is spontaneous, participants are not paid to join in like those who joined the ccp rally.

Anonymous said...


បើ សម រង្សី មានវាសនាធ្វើជានាយករដ្នមន្ត្រី
គង់តែបានធ្វើទេ គឺគេចពុំរួច តែបើគ្មានវាសនាវិញ

ឯ គឹម សុខា វិញក៏ដូចគ្នាដែរ ម្នាក់ៗគឺពឹងលើវាសនាខ្លួនឯង ថាតើមានភ័ព្ទសំណាងឬអត់។

អ្នកធ្វើនយោបាយ មានវិបត្តិបី មានវាសនា១

រត់ចោលស្រុក ជាប់គុក នឹងស្លាប់ ?

វាសនា១ គឺ មានសម្បត្តិស្តុកស្តមមានអំណាច


វិនាសគ្រួសារ វិនាសទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិ ជាប់គុក
ភៀសខ្លូន ងាប់។

ឯវាសនាវិញ បុំសូវមានទេ បានត្រឹងតែកាន់ក្តរអោយគេនោម។ល។

ដូចពួកទាហានតស៊ួរតាមព្រុំដែនខ្មែរ/សៀម ជាគុំរួរ?

7 July 2013 6:09 pm

Anonymous said...

Shehanuk started the culture of given out Sarung and MSG salt and rice bags during his reign,that culture of bribery carried on to these days,but Cpp under Yuon sen is worst,Yuon Sen is breeding this culture of bribery to gets vote or playing nice and fooling Khmers people that his regime was generosity and doing good deeds to those who dumb and uneducated Khmers people,but the facts was revealing that his regime was more evil than all regime that had come and gone.CNRP breaks that circle of the corrupted bribery (Sarung msg gives away) that was a good thing for democracy.Please folks,you got to understand that you vote for your future not for those pigs that bribes you.
