A Change of Guard

សូមស្តាប់វិទ្យុសង្គ្រោះជាតិ Please read more Khmer news and listen to CNRP Radio at National Rescue Party. សូមស្តាប់វីទ្យុខ្មែរប៉ុស្តិ៍/Khmer Post Radio.
Follow Khmerization on Facebook/តាមដានខ្មែរូបនីយកម្មតាម Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/khmerization.khmerican

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Cambodian opposition leader says to return before general election សម រង្ស៊ី នឹងវិលត្រឡប់ មកប្រទេស កម្ពុជាវិញមុនថ្ងៃបោះឆ្នោត

សម រង្ស៊ី៖ «ខ្ញុំ នឹងវិលត្រឡប់ មកប្រទេស កម្ពុជាវិញ, ហើយ នឹងមកដល់ លើទឹកដី មាតុភូមិ មុនថ្ងៃបោះឆ្នោត ដែលត្រូវ នឹងថ្ងៃអាទិត្យ ទី២៨ ខែកក្កដា ឆ្នាំ២០១៣ នេះ។» Sam Rainsy: "I will return to Cambodia, and I will arrive in our homeland before Election Day of 28 July 2013."

Xinhua, July 6, 2013 

Sam Rainsy, self-exiled leader of the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP), announced once again that he would return to Cambodia before the general election on July 28.
"I'm very pleased to inform Cambodian people that I will return to Cambodia before the election day on Sunday, July 28, 2013," he said in a video clip posted on his Facebook account on Saturday.
"Everything I do is to defend territory and protect national interests,"he said. "I dare to sacrifice my life for the nation;I dare to die in order to rescue the nation from dangers."
Sam Rainsy, 63, fled Cambodia in late 2009 before the court sentenced him to 11 years in prison in absentia for two charges -- removing border poles and publishing a false map of the border with Vietnam and accusing deputy prime minister and foreign minister Hor Namhong of being a member of the Democratic Kampuchea.
He is living in France.
It is not new that Sam Rainsy announces his planned return to Cambodia. The leader-in-exile has declared several times about his return, but he has never honored his declarations. "He (Sam Rainsy) is a prisoner. if he returns, Cambodian authority will implement the verdict and arrest him to serve the jail term," National Military Police's spokesman Kheng Tito told Xinhua over telephone Saturday.
Cambodia set to hold a general election for the 123-seat parliament on July 28 with eight political parties joining the contest.
The one-month election campaign kicked off Thursday last week and will complete on July 26.
Among the eight political parties, the ruling Cambodian People' s Party of Prime Minister Hun Sen and the opposition CNRP led by self-exiled leader Sam Rainsy are prominent during the election campaign.
During the last election in July 2008, Prime Minister Hun Sen's party won 90 seats, while the opposition group totally gained 29 seats.
Political analysts predict that Hun Sen's party will continue to win a landslide victory in the upcoming polls.
One of the world's longest-serving leaders, Hun Sen, 61, has been in power for 28 years. He has vowed to stay in the post until he is 74. Endi

Sam Rainsy to return ahead of election: official
Give our kids a better deal
Sam Rainsy, National Rescue Party leader. 
PHNOM PENH (The Cambodia Herald) -- A senior official for the National Rescue Party (NRP) has said Saturday that Sam Rainsy will return to the country soon to lead his party in their election campaigns ahead of the general election later this month.

Yim Sovan, spokesman for the NRP, made the statement after a chanting ceremony for the victims killed during armed clash on July 5-6, 1997.  The ceremony was held at the party's headquarters in Meanchey district.

Sovan declined to comment when asked if Sam Rainsy will face imprisonment if he returns to the country. But he said Sam Rainsy will sacrifice everything for Cambodian people.

Sam Rainsy, president of NRP, who's currently living in Paris, France to avoid imprisonment, has been sentenced in absentia in 2009 to 12 years in prison for uprooting border posts in Svay Rieng, forging public documents and disinformation.
- See more at: http://www.thecambodiaherald.com/cambodia/detail/1?page=11&token=NGM3ZWMxNDI1ZmY#sthash.Zlb3EKtB.dpuf
សារ ជូនចំពោះ ប្រជារាស្ត្រខ្មែរ

ខ្ញុំ, សម រង្ស៊ី, ជា តំណាងរាស្ត្រ ជាប់ឆ្នោត និងជា ប្រធាន គណបក្សសង្គ្រោះ
ជាតិ, មានកិត្តិយស និងក្តីសោមនស្ស ជំរាបជូន បងប្អូនជនរួមជាតិ ជាទីគោរព និងជាទីនឹករលឹក ថា, ខ្ញុំ នឹងវិលត្រឡប់ មកប្រទេសកម្ពុជាវិញ, ហើយ នឹងមកដល់ លើទឹកដី មាតុភូមិ មុនថ្ងៃបោះឆ្នោត ដែលត្រូវ នឹងថ្ងៃអាទិត្យ ទី២៨ ខែកក្កដា ឆ្នាំ២០១៣ នេះ។

អ្វីៗ ទាំងអស់ ដែលខ្ញុំ បានធ្វើមកទល់ នឹងពេលនេះ គឺ ដើម្បី ការពារទឹកដី និងការពារ ផលប្រយោជន៍ ប្រទេសជាតិ, ព្រមទាំង បំរើប្រជារាស្រ្ត
ខ្មែរ អស់ពី កំលាំងកាយ កំលាំងចិត្ត។

ខ្ញុំ សុខចិត្ត បូជាជីវិត របស់ខ្ញុំ ដើម្បី ជាតិមាតុភូមិ គឺ, ហ៊ានស្លាប់ខ្លួនឯង ដើម្បី សង្គ្រោះជាតិ ឱ្យរួចផុត ពីមហន្តរាយ។

សូម បងប្អូន ជនរួមជាតិ ចូលរួម ទាំងអស់គ្នា ក្នុងបេសកកម្ម សង្រ្គោះជាតិ។

ជយោ! កម្ពុជាអមតៈ!

ធ្វើនៅទីក្រុងប៉ារីស, ថ្ងៃទី០៥ ខែកក្កដា ឆ្នាំ២០១៣

សម រង្ស៊ី

សម រង្ស៊ី / Sam Rainsy


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Sam Rainsy,

We beg you please, do not return to Cambodia at this time. We know how much you love our country and would be willing to sacrefice your very life to rescue our Motherland.Not Hun Sen, but Hanoi is after you and your life.
We are playing Hun Sen's games with Hun Sen's rules. Hun Sen wins eah and every election, until Hanoi tells him to loose.

To rescue our Motherland by arm rebelions will not be successful, and yet resulting in Khmer mass suicide.

The best alternative is for the CNRP with YOUR leadership to mobelize the international community, namely the UN, the EU, the US and other major doner countries to impose sanctions against Vietnam, its key leaders, and its puppet Hun Sen.

We must get to the source of the fire.
We must Hit Vietnam Where It Hurts !!!

In order to undertake this endeavor, your Motherland needs YOU.

It took years, intelligence, perseverance, patriotism and sacrefices to create a head and heart like yours, as we all know it takes only seconds to destroy them.

Please continue your mission abroad.
Thank you

With great respect,

A Khmer Patriot

Anonymous said...

I'm a Sam Rainsy supporter, but he has disappointed me a few times before when he declared that he will return to Cambodia, but failed to do so. He has lost credibility for this issue. However, I still support him.

What I'm saying is, if he won't return don't just lie to the people and his supporters. I know it is not safe for him to return, but what I'm saying is don't say he will return if he doesn't mean it.

Anonymous said...

It must be hard for Sam Rainsy to lie to himself if he isn't willing to put his life down for his country. It is pointless to run away from the country and live like a coward. He is doing the right thing, he must return home and face the consequences. He can be house arrested or whatever. He will come out a hero, not some sissy that speaks loudly on the Internet. He will show to the people that he is fearless, a true leader who take risks. If he needs to eat Hun Sen feces, he has to in order to topple Hun Sen later on.

Anonymous said...

I believe when I see him in Phnom Penh Airport.

Anonymous said...

6 July 2013 11:43 pm,

Because you are a real Vietnamese/Yuon dog eater when you pretended to be SR supporter. Your statement you posted has shown that you are NOT a Sam Rainsy supporter, but you will make Cambodia and Cambodian people to be under the Vietnamese control via Vietnamese dog Hun Sen and CPP thieves coming from evil Vietnam.

It is easy for us Khmer to see that you have a Vietnamese dog eater's brain whenever you post the negative and shitty comment against Mr. Sam Rainsy, Mr. Kem Sokha and other democratic leaders of other NON-CPP parties like Cambodian League for Democracy, Khmer Anti-Poverty Party, etc.

If Khmer mixed with other races like Vietnamese [ or including Chinese, American, French, etc ] still have Khmer blood and think like Khmer and want to save Khmer/Cambodia country from Yuon/Vietnamese thieves from Hanoi [who have ordered Vietnamese dog Hun Sen to hurt Khmer people], then those [mixed races] are NOT Yuon/Vietnamese dog eaters who have real Yuon/Vietnamese dog eaters' brains or real Yuon/Vietnamese killers coming from Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh's mindset.

Anonymous said...

I think that if Mr. Sam rainsy returns to Cambodia and if he gets any threat from CPP at this time, surely for CNRP supporters will gather thousands and thousands of people to make a massive protest against CPP.

Anonymous said...

កំជេរប្រទិចគ្នា អាណាយួនឬខ្មែរ យកសំដី

មួយរិ៖គន់ក្នុងការស្ថាបនា មួយរិៈគន់បង្ខូចឬបំផ្លាញ

ដូចពាក្សថា សម រង្សី ប្រើពាក្សកុហក់ជាច្រើនដង
គឺការពិត នេះជាមួលហេតុដែល គូរយកមកពិចារណា ?

ដូចជាមានជុំនឿរលើស្តេច សីហនុ ជឿរទាល់តែរលាយស្រុក ទោះជា ស្តេច សីហនុ ដឹកនាំប្រទេសឳយខ្មែររលាយក៏ដោយ?

បើមានជុំនឿរល់របប លន់ នល់ ដែលមានអា
មេរិកជាចៅហ្វាយ ដែលបង្ករសង្គ្រាមបំផ្លាញ
នឹងរបបគុម្មុយនិស្ស ក៏ជឿរផ្តាច់ពូជ ទោះជាទាហាន លន់ នល់ ពូកខ្មែរក្រហាសម្លាប់រុងគាលស្ទើគ្មានសល់ សល់មួយៗហាមាត់ឡើងជឿរអាមេរិកឥត

ឯមានជុំនឿរខ្មែរក្រហមវិញ គិតតែសម្លាប់ខ្មែរគ្នាឯងទាំងពូជ ដូចបំរើរនយោបាយយួនអោយលេបទឹកដី ទីបំផុត ដោយសារខ្មែរមានចរិកដូច្នេះទើបខ្មែររលាយរហូតដល់សព្វថ្ងៃ 

មិនចេះគោរពគ្នា មិនចេះរួមគ្នា មិនចេះស្រឡាញ់គ្នា មិនចេះយកការចេះដឹងមកបំរើរជាតិ មិនខំរៀនសូត្រ បើថាស្រឡាញ់ជាតិឬពលរដ្ន មានតែបបូរមាត់ចេះតែថា ពេលបានអេះណាចហើយភ្លេចអស់
ជាតិផ្លេចអស់ហើយពលរដ្នអ្នកក្រ ឃើញតែដុល្លា

បំរើរគ្រួសារ បក្សពួកខ្លួនប៉ុណ្ណោះ ឯអ្នកក្រវិញនៅ
តែក្រដដែល នៅតែអត់ដដែល។

បើមានជុំនឿរលើអ្នកណាហើយ មិនដឹងខុសឬត្រូវទេឳយតែនិយាយប៉ៈពាល់ខឹងគេភ្លាម ប្រមាថយកទោសៈមោហៈដាក់ខ្លួនប្រើកម្លាំងបាយភ្លាមបើនៅទល់មុខគ្នា ឥឡូវនេះ ក្នុងគ្រួសារមួយ មាននិន្នាការ
ខសគ្នា ឈ្លោះគ្នារវាងកូននឹងឳពុកសួរថានរណាចំណេញ បើឳនឹងកូនឈ្លោះគ្នាដោយសារនយោបាយឯខ្លួនឯងរកអង្ករច្រកឆ្នាំងស្ទើគ្មានផង


វាជិៈជាន់តែខ្មែរគ្នាឯងទេជាពិសេស គឺអ្នកក្រគ្នា់
គ្នាពុំមានអ្វីតបតរវិញ អ្នកក្រសូម្បីតែដើរក្បែររបង
ផ្ទៈវា វាថាចោរ បើដើរក្បែរឡានវា វាខ្លាចប្រឡាក់
ឡានវា ពេលត្រូវការ លោកអ៊ុំ លោកម៊ីង។

Anonymous said...

i loved a braved man, be a man, be a hero, do it, do it, i want to see the reality....

if, the law can be prevailed on SR returning,,,

verdict was declared on him for 10 yrs in jail..

Anonymous said...

To 1:22 am

If Mr. Sam Rainsy were to return to Cambodia now, he will be in Hun Sen's Jungle.
The jungle Man would use his jungle laws and means to terminate our Khmer Hero.

Khmers who love Khmers cannot afford that.
A hero's head is hard to create, but it takes only seconds to chop it off !!!

If we had another Sam Rainsy, then we can and would take that chance.

Anonymous said...

Go now, not just before 28 July other it will be to late. Go now if Hun jail you the people, international community have time to act and help you but if you return on 27July and 29 the Hun Sen win then Hun will take you to jail immediately.

Anonymous said...

It is not my idea. I copy from Facebook

ត្រីលើទឹក និង ត្រីក្រោមទឹក

ត្រីលើទឹក គឺយើងមើលឃើញអស់ហើយ តែនៅមានត្រីក្នុងទឹក ដែលយើង មើលមិនដឹង នេះជាការគួអោយបារម្មណ៏។ អ្នកក្លាហាន គិតមើល នៅពេលដែល ឃើញ កងទ័ព ត្រកូលយាន ពុះកញ្រ្ជោល យ៉ាងនេះ តើ ខាងតុងជួ កំពុងតែគិតអី?

ជាឧទាហរណ៏ ករណីបឹងកក់ បានបែកជាពីរក្រុមទៅហើយ។ ហើយ ក៏ស្រាប់តែ លោក ហ៊ុន ម៉ាណែត ចូលខ្លួនដោះស្រាយទៀត។ រឿងនេះ ខ្ញុំសុទ្ធតែទាយដឹងមុន តែខាង បក្សប្រឆាំង ហាក់មិនអើពើរទាល់តែសោះ។

ករណីបឹងកក់ តើនឹងមានរឿងអីបន្ទាប់ទៀត? គឺបន្ទាប់ពីគេដោះស្រាយ ហើយ គឺគេនឹងអោយ មានអ្នកចេញមកនិយាយថា បក្សប្រឆាំង នៅពីក្រោយ ចុចទាំងឈ្មោះទៀត? គឺដូចករណី លោកជាម ចន្នី កាល ពីឆ្នាំ ២០០៥ អញ្ចឹង។

តើគណបក្សប្រជាជនកំពុងគិតអី ពេលគេឃើញ មានយុវជន ផុសផុល មកជ្រំជ្រែ ហែក្បួនឃោសនា របស់គណបក្ស្ សង្រ្គោះជាតិនោះ?

បើគិតមិនឃើញ រកវិធីទប់ទល់មិនបានទេ ទោះជាទេវតា ក៏ជួយមិនានដែរ។ ទ័ពជាង ១លាននាក់ នេះ គឺពិតជាអនោចអធ័ម មិនខានទេ។

នេះជាព្រហ្មលិខិត.... អនិច្ចារ! អនិច្ចារ!

Anonymous said...

JAIL in prey sar is waiting for him, it democracy country,,

Anonymous said...

7 July 2013 3:31 am, your offensive comment will not help Sam Rainsy's cause at all. On the contrary, it will make people think that all Rainsy's supporters are extremists like you.

You must distinguish between constructive criticism and destructive criticism. Rainsy claimed to be a democrat therefore I think he will tolerate divergent views. I must tell you that I have been a Rainsy's supporters since he became finance minister in 1993 and since he first created the Khmer Nation Party in 1995. I even became a president of his party overseas for a while. Now, I retired from politics but I still support the opposition, mainly Rainsy's party. I donated several hundred dollars for this election campaign and just donated $105 dollars again today.

What I'm saying is Rainsy told people a few times before that he will return to Cambodia but times and times again, he failed to return. This makes people stop believing in his words. I know it is not safe for him to return, but if he said it, he must follow through his words and return. If he can't return, don't say it.

Today, I just heard that King Sihamoni had signed his pardon decree several months ago, but the pardon decree has been withheld by Palace Minister Kong Sam-Ol, until now. I hope if the king pardoned him, then Rainsy can return safely and I say: God bless and protect him.

Anonymous said...

7 July 2013 2:03 pm,

OK, you need to be realistic here. You sound like you blame Mr. Sam Rainsy was not returning home as the political climate in Cambodia. You were upset with him because he promised to come home. You expected him to come home without thinking twice.

Your previous message has shown that you mentioned like a real Vietnamese/Yuon dog eater.

Your second posted comments tells us Khmer that we have to watch what you have been saying and we are keeping an eye on you since you have been going back and forth.

We are watching out who is talking.

We are not extremist as you jumped the conclusion here. Watch what you said and we regret to say that we are watching on you.

Your judgement is obvious and we agree with your part, but not all you mentioned.

We could not afford to lose Mr. Sam Rainsy who is the last hope for all of Khmer people like us.

So, please don't be shoot back we got enough of someone like you who mentioned negative at the first place against Mr. Sam Rainsy as your statement that you were Mr. Sam Rainsy supporter.

Don't be hypocrite. You need to know that we are extremely careful with you and other similar to you.

We are not foolish and we can be stubborn and we are aware of the situation in Cambodia. Cambodian has been in the bad situation for more than 3 decades since we got out of the Killing Fields.

You need to be careful with yourself with your statement.

Khmer Yeurng

Anonymous said...

7 July 2013 2:03 pm,

OK, we are not against you for your feed back. We are not extremist and we are very careful. We want to be like people in Arab Spring and we don't let the enemies fear us. We are strong not showing the weakness to the enemies.

We protect all Khmer people including you. Sorry for jumping the conclusion on you. We Khmer love Khmer!

Anonymous said...


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ឯ គឹម សុខា វិញក៏ដូចគ្នាដែរ ម្នាក់ៗគឺពឹងលើវាសនាខ្លួនឯង ថាតើមានភ័ព្ទសំណាងឬអត់។

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រត់ចោលស្រុក ជាប់គុក នឹងស្លាប់ ?

វាសនា១ គឺ មានសម្បត្តិស្តុកស្តមមានអំណាច


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