A Change of Guard

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Friday, 12 October 2012

Khmer People Power Movement calls on UN to reject Cambodia's nomination for a member of the UN Security Council

Dear All,

On October 10, 2012 Mr. Sourn Serey Ratha the President of Khmer People Power Movement (KPPM) signed a letter sent to all 192 state members of the United Nation of the UN General Assembly to vote "NO" (Don't support) for Cambodia Government as a member of non-permanent of UN Security Council that will vote in scheduled for October 18, 2012.

Please see a full letter in attachment.

For information please call: (717) 450-6905, (401) 699-1349
The KPPM Press Team
Address: P.O.Box: 5952 Fresno, CA 93755 U.S.A
 Khmer People Power Movement calls on UN to reject Cambodia's nomination for a member of the UN Security Cou...                                                                                                   


Anonymous said...

I agree Cambodia do not deserve a seat at the UN particularly this regime unless more educate candidate and more professional communication candidate are in place. UN where a place for an adult to share common communication not a place for a five years old farmer boy crying and screaming for ice scream.

Anonymous said...

12 October 2012 10:43 PM,

Because his father Hor 5 Hong is an illegal Deputy PM and a former KR Prison Chief at Beong Tra Baek in Phnom Penh suburb area.