A Change of Guard

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Friday, 14 September 2012

Cambodia not at fault on joint communique [The madame ambassador has gone on the attack again]

Letter from Madam You Ay, the Cambodian Ambassador, to the editor of the The Nation newspaper.  
September 14, 2012 
The Nation
By Ambassador You Ay

We all know that Kavi Chongkittavorn is a veteran journalist who has written extensively on Asean in the past. But even a veteran journalist can still do sloppy work, especially when it comes to depending on reliable sources of information. At the same time, no one can be truly objective and completely impartial in his/her own writing. Kavi is an example of this as well, despite his attempt to be so. Having said that, I wish to clarify the following points:

First, it is not unusual for any country to explain publicly when it has come under attack. What is important for Cambodia, as chair of Asean, is to guard its own reputation and especially the role of the chair of Asean. Cambodia has made a lot of attempts to reach out and to work with all Asean member-states to move on to the next stage of work.

Second, as the chair of Asean, Cambodia had attempted to build consensus on a non-consensual issue, and when there is no consensus, Cambodia wanted Asean to focus on the points it can agree on, rather than on divergent views. As we have stated publicly several times already, Cambodia, as chair of Asean, had circulated written explanations to look for a compromise. However, what should Cambodia have done when two members of Asean decided at the time to stick to their inflexible, "non-negotiable" positions?

Third, it is not true to say that Asean member-states are unhappy to see the list of agreed key decision points of the 45th AMM. If this is the case, then why had all Asean foreign ministers supported the Asean chair's proposal in the first place? Perhaps it is Kavi's own interpretation of what he tried to speculate.

Fourth, the joint communiqué is the past and there is no need to recreate it. Therefore, Asean Senior Officials' Meeting leaders will not discuss this joint communiqué matter at all. It is not on the agenda. How could Kavi have claimed that it will be discussed by Asean SOM leaders?

Fifth, Cambodia is a sovereign nation. It does not kowtow to any country. To say that China was behind "Phnom Penh's intransigence" is an insult. At the same time, it is incorrect to say nine Asean member-states agreed while Cambodia, as chair of Asean, disagreed to the "prepared text on the dispute …" Again, Kavi relied on hearsay rather than on reliable information. The prepared text on the South China Sea had four paragraphs (14, 15, 16 and 17). No consensus was reached on Paragraph 16. Then Cambodia circulated a new Paragraph 16 with a written explanation in order to achieve a consensus on the joint communiqué. Unfortunately two Asean members disagreed with the text of compromise. What should Cambodia do?

Sixth, one must remember that Cambodia has done a lot of work on the DOC and COC. Anyone who has followed developments on the South China Sea would know very well the concerted efforts and strong commitment that Cambodia has put into it. In 2002, when Cambodia chaired Asean for the first time, we tried our utmost to have the DOC signed by the foreign ministers of Asean and China. Even now, if one looks at the DOC, it is still relevant to our present situation, as in the following: promotion of confidence-building measures; peaceful settlement of disputes; non-use of force and the threat of the use of force; freedom of navigation and overflight; and respect for the universally recognised international law and the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of Sea.

After assuming the chairmanship of Asean this year, Cambodia pushed for the convening of the Asean-China Senior Officials' Meeting on the DOC in Hanoi, in late June, as well as the convening of the Asean-China Senior Officials' Informal Consultations on the COC, a historic meeting in Phnom Penh on July 8. This last meeting was indeed significant in terms of getting Asean and China to move forward on the drafting of the COC. Cambodia's actions demonstrate its commitment to work on this issue of the DOC and COC, not just talk.

Finally, I hope that your newspaper will play a more constructive role in promoting Asean and Asean Community building from now on, rather than engaging in the politics of undermining Asean and discrediting Cambodia.

Madam You Ay
Ambassador of the Kingdom of Cambodia to the Kingdom of Thailand


Anonymous said...

Here we go again,Ma'dump Yu Ay picking on an old wound again,be aware Ma'dump the wound will infects and you'll get fire like your comrade Mr Hos Sereythong.Why don't you let this wound health?

What's a childish Ambassador you are!!! Stop it now,let it go,it doesn't prove anything whether Cambodia right or wrong it is over!...Just go make love with your lover if you have more free time,stop wasted your time picking an old wound okay Ma'dump Yu Ay? Hun cent will give you an antibiotic if you cause the wound to infects and spreads,the antibiotic called You're FIRE...!!!


Anonymous said...

She looks down syndrome,look @ her face figure...My friend look like her and she is down syndrome.

Anonymous said...

Haa ha haa ha everybody,you don't know that all of hun cent ambassadors are down syndrome. They will be sent to down syndrome camp soon in hanoi.