A judge in Georgia has ordered President Barack Obama to appear in court this week.
Published: 24-Jan-12
January 24,2012 (AFP)- A judge in Georgia has ordered President Barack Obama (pictured) to appear in court this week in a lawsuit challenging whether he is a natural-born United States citizen qualified to be president.
The latest case was spawned by the so-called 'birther' movement that has made claims - which have not been substantiated - that Mr Obama was born overseas.
Although it is unclear whether a court could force a sitting president to appear in a court case, Georgia Deputy Chief Judge Michael Malihi has denied a motion by the president's lawyer to quash a subpoena that requires Mr Obama to show up.
A Georgia resident made the complaint, which is intended to keep Mr Obama's name off the state's ballot in the March presidential primary.
Published: 24-Jan-12
January 24,2012 (AFP)- A judge in Georgia has ordered President Barack Obama (pictured) to appear in court this week in a lawsuit challenging whether he is a natural-born United States citizen qualified to be president.
The latest case was spawned by the so-called 'birther' movement that has made claims - which have not been substantiated - that Mr Obama was born overseas.
Although it is unclear whether a court could force a sitting president to appear in a court case, Georgia Deputy Chief Judge Michael Malihi has denied a motion by the president's lawyer to quash a subpoena that requires Mr Obama to show up.
A Georgia resident made the complaint, which is intended to keep Mr Obama's name off the state's ballot in the March presidential primary.
A judge in the state of Georgia rendered a decision on his emotion not on the law, and it is Un-Constitutional to the United States Law, to order a sitting president to appear in any court of law.
American,(most White-American that is) just can't stand seeing a black man as president of the United States. Georgia is a racist state anyway. So for them, it's quite disturbing to their mental core to see a black man running their country. So any little thing about Obama will sticks out like a sore thumb. Shouldn't have brought those slaves to America in first place. Now on the other hand, old George W.(doubaya) Bush is all forgetten. Wasn't it his mess that Obama had to clean up?
Yes, I feel sorry for him. He is the first black president and yet some white racists are after him because they can't stand being ruled by a black president. George W. Bush was the president who lost the election, but still become a president because some influential sections in America wanted him to be president because he was not a smart one and is easy to manipulate, that's why there are wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. If Al Gore was the president, there wouldn't be wars in these two countries and no need for the loss of thousands of American lives and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives. I think the white people should leave Obama's citizenship issue alone and concentrate their criticism on his performance of the lack of it.
Want to thank all of you, for your Powerfull stand against Oboma & His Corrupted political partners.
But there is so much more we Can do. Being aggressive and focusing on the facts and truth is only the first step.
We musT follow Up with more details standing by our convictions and dont back down.
Oboma has NOT brought CHANGE, In fact ~! ~ THE ONLY real THING needing CHANGE !....Was Barack Hussein Obama II.
Barack Hussein Obama II ( Who hates American Values ) who is A " SELF PROCLAIMED Enemy" ~of responsible, Morally Conscious HARD WORKING Americans.
oBOMAS Irresponsible & DRUG MAFIA and reckless supporters KNOW~ that Barack Hussein Obama II, WILL FORCE YOU to paY THEM, out of your PockeT .{ FOR all of their UNCHECKED Vices and THRILLS/
{ All on YOU | /
At your COST & Sacrifice
...This UN~CHANGABLE fraud, has done His VERY BEST to Inspire VIOLENCE. For THESE ARE OBAMAS Very OWN WORDS.. saying .........To his supporters.
Saying “Get ready for hand-to-hand combat with your Fellow Americans”
– Obama has ALSO DECLARED to his Supporters....“I want all Americans to get in each others Faces!– Obama demands !
“You bring a knife to a fight pal, we’ll bring a gun” –
THESE ARE OBAMAS OWN WORDS.. /and ANGER VIOLENCE and more taxes..... THIS IS OBAMAS Change for america “Hit Back Twice As Hard”. He commands !*Obama on the private sector: ~~ “We talk to these folks…~ / so I know whose a*$ to KICK.“ OBOMA wants to KICK your a*$ / Shouting THAT Republican
victory would mean ~ “hand to hand combat”
HE IS EXPECTING people to be on Edge and BORDERLINE killing MODE, VIOLENT / and STAND up for their immoral CAUSES
* Obama Tells democrats: “ I’m itching for a fight.” !
....PLEASE.... go to reXes NEW WebsiTe ~ ! Oboma *( Just like Adolf Hitler~~\oBOMA~~~ Demands ! -- [ THE FINAL SOLUTION - for Un~Wanted Children
Barak Obama is A MURDERER .~Torturing UNWANTED babys on DEATH ROE
CLICK HERE http://obomlnation.webstarts.com/index.html
OBAMA TAKES a little NEW BORN innocent child. BORN. ALIVE STabS it iN the Head SUCKs ITS BRAINS OUT.
This is just too wrong and horrible. Please stand for Loving Children and the USA
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