A Change of Guard

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Thursday, 16 June 2011

Thailand stands firm; Preah Vihear management plan should be deferred

BANGKOK, June 15 (MCOT)- Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva (pictured) on Wednesday reasserted Thailand's stance that consideration of Cambodia's proposed management plan of the area surrounding the ancient Hindu temple of Preah Vihear should be deferred by the upcoming UNESCO World Heritage Committee (WHC) meeting in Paris.

The Thai prime minister stood firm as the Thai delegation, scheduled to depart Bangkok for the World Heritage Committee meeting in the French capital this weekend, reported the Thai position over the matter to a special meeting of the Cabinet on Wednesday.

Speaking to reporters after the meeting, Mr Abhisit said Thailand’s position is that consideration of Cambodia’s management plan of the area surrounding Preah Vihear temple should be deferred, but Thailand stands ready to jointly consider it with Cambodia on the condition that Cambodia must withdraw its troops from the contested land first.

Following reported remarks by Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen that any Thai official intruding Cambodian territory will be arrested, Mr Abhisit said that law of each country must be respected and refrain from doing thing that will adversely affect bilateral relations.

Thai Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Suwit Khunkitti, as head of the Thai delegation in the 35th session from June 19-29, and his team is set to leave Bangkok for Paris on Friday.

Discussion of the Cambodian plan was deferred last year at the WHC meeting in Brazil after Thailand strongly opposed it, citing the unresolved border dispute.

In 1962, the International Court of Justice awarded the temple to Cambodia.

The site of the historic structure on the disputed Thai-Cambodian border has long been a point of contention between the two Asian neighbours.

On July 7, 2008, Preah Vihear temple was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Under the terms of the listing, Cambodia is required to submit a management plan for WHC approval. (MCOT online news)


Anonymous said...

all i hear from that mother fucker is delay, postpone, put off, defer, next time, later, not now,

wonder what is that son of the bitch is up too?

Anonymous said...

This is the information I got from Thailand in recent month:

Cambodia have two choices :

1-Surrender the 4.6 khm2 peacefully now,and the 600,000 acres it on the card or Thailand will back it claims by force.

2-Cambodia got no choice , Cambodia have to use Thai map without any condition or face Thai military action.

Listen carefuly to Thai parmentary debated Thai will not give up any thai land without putting a fight in the past Thai got no choice because French got superior fire power than Thai and Thai have to surrender fews of thai provinces to the french better than lost the whole Siam.

Listen and monitor carefully to Thai radios and mainstream TV channel even the BangKok post Thai improvise the story to fit Thai people.

Thai not going to surrender the land that Thai believed belong to Thai, how can Thais going to tell Thais children that their parents surrender the Thais land to Cambodia because of the map made in the last century.

Hun Sen tried to avoid the military confrontation with Thai, but the enevitable come on Feb&April , do Khmer have any choice ? look at the history Thai won't let go , the history just reinvented, asked any Thai Preah Vihear belong to whom? the answer from Thai Preah Vihear belong to Thai but was robbed by Khmer.

This is the fact of the Thai opinions , That why Hun Sen try desperately to bring the case for international attention and the world court clarification .Than military confrontation with Thai, I am not a fan of Hun Sen but at least I praise him for his patient .

At the end is beyond any speculation depend on Hun Sen,swap land with peace or swap peace with war.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your inside information, I enjoy reading it.