A Change of Guard

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Sunday 6 February 2011

Common sense needed on border, plus some justice in the South

The Nation
Published on February 6, 2011
Opinion by Chris Kaye
Chon Buri

While one can have a great deal of sympathy for the two Thais given outrageous and undeserved prison sentences by the Cambodian courts over their alleged spying activities, it is impossible to have any sympathy for the original ill-considered antics of the senseless septet, (no "Magnificent Seven" please), that culminated in this outcome.

Of course the government has a duty to assist the hapless wanderers as best they can. However, one cannot but wonder if the extreme measures put in place by the government and Army - both to assist the seven while at the same time demonstrating excessive sabre-rattling over a few ill-considered Cambodian words in the disputed territory - could not have been far better employed attempting to address the real problems in the South of Thailand. The only way to settle the territorial dispute at the border is by smart diplomacy on both sides, something that has been sorely lacking so far.

The murderous activities continue in the South to such extent that the news details are expected but not given the high priority they deserve. We read about atrocities committed daily but rarely, if ever, do we read that the perpetrators have been brought to justice. It must be difficult for anyone to accept the strategy of the government, Army and police is on the right track despite the reassuring words from the Army chief that they are winning the battle in locating the insurgents. I trust they are not blaming their lack of success on the absence of a surveillance airship. Now if only the PAD, the red shirts, the government and the Army could all exercise a degree of common sense and get on the same page to show their allegiance and respect for Thailand, there could be some light at the end of the tunnel in the South.


Anonymous said...

Chris Kaye of Chon Buri, pertaining to your comment that Cambodia and Thailand soley lacking in diplomacy is an understatement. You don't truly understand the situation of diplomacy between Cambodia and Thailand. An outside observer might see this as a conflict that could have so easily resolved in a peacefully mean, instead, an exchange of bullets and artillery rounds was the result. If you have kept up with the situation, something lead to the clash. It's not just happened over night and out of the blue. Prior to this latest clash, Cambodia had gone beyond the call of duty in diplomacy to resolve issues with Thailand. Thailand's arrogant lead to the clash. Cambodia was just following Thailand's footstep.

When Thailand mobolized its troops to the border, Cambodia did the same. Thailand demanded that the stone tablet, which Thailand considered offensive, be removed. Cambodia did just as Thailand demanded. Then Thailand step up the ante by demanding Cambodia to take down her national flag flying over Cambodia territory. This is something Cambodia cannot do. It's an insult to her national soverignty. Diplomacy can only go so far when Cambodia is dealing with Thailand. This is where dimplomacy failed. Furthermore, Thailand decided to bulldozed its way into Cambodia to take down the Cambodian flag. This is a big no no for Cambodia. This is what lead to the clash. If Cambodia decided to take down her flag as demanded by Thailand, what will Thailand wants Cambodia to do next? Possibly hand over disputed territory and Preah Vihear? Should Cambodia further give in to Thailand's demand for the sake of diplomacy? I encourage you to do some investigation before coming up with a conclusion on lacking of diplomacy between Cambodia and Thailand. Sometime lacking thorough research and investigation and making guesstimated conclusion is not a way to help resolve such argument.

Anonymous said...

Enough bullshitting. You damn Thai!! Lucky we did not shoot the traspassers like you did to us. I would have deplomacy to fuck your mom and your daughter is more I like it!!! 1156 you were right about our generosities!!! We are up to our heads dealing with this scum!!!! I am glad that act!!!!!

Anonymous said...

11:56, I agree with you 100%. This guy anaylysis is way off base. I also disagree with this outsider who think diplomacy could work out at this juncture. It's not about 4.6sqk land. It's about national pride and self worth. In Khmer's mentality, there is no such thing as 4.6sqk disputed territory. Siem has fabricated this idea around and became their pretext for war with Cambodia. What a lunatic country, Damn Siem bastards.