A Change of Guard

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Thursday 19 March 2009

A heavily pregnant woman died of giving birth because heartless doctors refused to deliver her baby because she didn't have $25 to pay them

Mith Sarorn watched his dead wife, with a stillborn child in her womb. (Koh Santephea: Photo by Samay).

Koh Santepheap newspaper
18th March, 2009
Reported in English by Khmerization

A heavily pregnant woman from Pailin died an agonising death from unable to give birth to her stillborn child when doctors refused to perform a Cesaerian operation because the lady didn't have the $25 fee with her.

Ms. Vorn Yoeum, 38, who had 7 other children died in a private hospital in Pailin on 15th March, 2009. Mith Sarorn, 44, the husband of the dead woman, told Koh Santepheap that he took his wife to the hospital at 9:10 pm and told a doctor on duty that his wife was having a labour pain. The doctor took her to an examination room, came out and told him that his wife is due to give birth in the next few hours and he went away.

At mid night, his wife was still in labour pain. He went to ask the doctor to examine his wife again. But after the examination, he told the husband that the wife cannot give birth naturally. She needs a Caesarean section and it will cost him 100,000 Riels ($25).

The husband ask the doctor to perform the Cesaerian for his wife now and in the morning he will bring the money to pay him. But the doctor refused to perform an operation.

At 4 am in the morning, while his wife was still screaming in pain, three more doctors arrived but they still refused to perform an operation, even though he was pleading with them to help save his wife. One hour later, the lady died of pain and excessive loss of blood with the baby still in her womb.

An anonymous nurse who work in the hospital said that the doctors had not only asked the family for 100,000 Riels ($25) but had also asked for a further 30,000 Thai Baht (about $US900), a very substantial amount unheard of by many poor Cambodians.

Mith Sarorn told Koh Santepheap that he will lodge a legal complaint against those doctors in the court.

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