A Change of Guard

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Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Cambodian rice production increases 12 pc

Mr. Chan Sarun, Cambodia's Minister of Agriculture.

PHNOM PENH (Xinhua): Cambodia's production of unmilled rice increased 12 percent this year, which would create a surplus of 2.8 million tons in 2008, up 300,000 tons over last year's figures, national media reported Tuesday.

"This surplus has come from the use of better seeds and improved farming practice," Agriculture Minister Chan Sarun was quoted by the Phnom Penh Post as saying.

"We hope the quantity of rice production will continue to increase next year," he said.

The Cambodian government expects total production of unmilled rice to hit 6.8 million tons, which would represent a million-ton gain over last year, according to a preliminary evaluation conducted by the agriculture ministry.

Chan Sarun said the government is negotiating with several countries to secure additional markets for Cambodian rice.

"I expect that Cambodia will export at least 2 million tons of rice in 2009 to countries in the region, in the Middle East, the European Union and in Africa," he said.

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