A Change of Guard

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Sunday, 14 September 2008

Why should Cambodians be surprised of Thai occupation of Khmer temples?

Thai soldiers claimed another Cambodian temple
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are you act supprise of the Thai's soldiers occupied the Cabodian's territory. The Thai and The Vietnames will swallowing the Cambodian country and they will take the country soon Hun Sen (the uneducated leader)still in power. The Cambodian had lost the country for 25 years ago when Vietnamese Communist installed one of their own puppet Hun Sen's (illiterate)government whose actions are promoted and controlled by his Vietnamese boss. The Khmer People need to wake up, you are soon will have last name "Nguyen, Tran, Le,...

September 13, 2008 9:06 AM

Blogger khmerization said...

Dear Sir,

Thanks for your comments. Thailand was and is like a cousin to Cambodia with similar language, culture, religion and customs. These similarities make it so surprising for many Cambodians to see Thailand acted the way they did recently. Thailand, throughout history, had conquered vast areas of Khmer lands and I hope that are contented with what they have conquered from Cambodia. They have treated Cambodians badly, though they were a bit better compared to the Vietnamese treatment of Cambodians. And as a result, their recent military encroachments of Cambodian borders areas and temples are incomprehensible. One very good explanation why Thailand blatantly violated Cambodian territories without regard for international laws stemmed from the fact that Mr. Hun Sen allowed it to happen. Mr. Hun Sen's weakness in dealings with Thailand's aggressions gave Thailand ammunition to continue the violations as it wishes. If Mr. Hun Sen were strong and not cowed, like massing our troops on the borders and engaging in aggressive diplomacy, Thailand would not have dared to do what they had done. Just now, Mr. Hun Sen has threatened to take the issues of Thailand's violations to the international court and the UN Security Council. I hope he meant business, not just an empty and meaningless threat. May Buddha bless Cambodia.

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