A Change of Guard

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Sunday, 27 July 2008

Thai foreign affair veteran appointed as Foreign Minister

Dr. Tej Bunnag (R) with Mr. Bill Clinton.

BANGKOK (Xinhua) - Tej Bunnag, a foreign affairs veteran and former ambassadors to several countries during the past 20 years, on Saturday was approved to be the new Foreign Minister of Thailand under a royal decree.

As a senior diplomat, Tej was former ambassador to China, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the United Nations, France and the United States. Some 10 years ago, Tej was the Permanent Representative of Thailand to UNESCO.

He will be granted audience with His Majesty the King to be sworn on Sunday.

His predecessor Noppadon Pattama resigned earlier this month after the Constitutional Court ruled that he had overstepped his authority in supporting Cambodia's application to have the Thai- Cambodian disputed Phra Vihear Temple classified as a World Heritage Site.

The appointment approved only two days before a bilateral talks between Thailand and Cambodia on the issue of the disputed border area of Khao Phra Vihear. Earlier, Thai Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej said Thailand will send the new foreign minister to represent the kingdom in the talks which was scheduled to be held in Cambodia's Siem Reap province on Monday.

Samak on Friday afternoon affirmed that the new emissary will lead a maiden mission to resolve the military standoff with Cambodia in the disputed territory.
Curriculum Vitae of Tej Bunnag click here.

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