A Change of Guard

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Monday, 28 July 2008

CPP claims 88 to 91 seats at National Assembly of Cambodia

PHNOM PENH, July 27 (Xinhua) -- The major ruling Cambodian People's Party (CPP) has claimed 88 to 91 out of the 123 seats at the National Assembly, after the ballots were basically counted for Sunday's fourth general election of the country, said senior CPP officials.
CPP secured 88 seats and the major opposition Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) 30, while the newly established Human Rights Party (HRP) and Norodom Ranariddh Party (NRP) respectively 3 and 2, source at the CPP headquarters told Xinhua.
The co-ruling Funcinpec Party had none seat, the source added.
Meanwhile, source close to Prime Minister Hun Sen's advisory body told Xinhua that CPP had 91 seats, SRP 26, HRP 3, NRP 2 and Funcinpec 1.
Monday afternoon, the National Election Committee (NEC) will make public preliminary overall official results of the polling. Final official results can be known about one month later.
Altogether 11 political parties ran for the 123 seats at the Cambodian National Assembly. A total of 8,125,529 voters were registered to vote at 15,255 polling stations nationwide and 17,000 local and international observers watched the polling process, according to NEC figures.
Editor: Du Guodong

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