A Change of Guard

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Saturday, 26 July 2008

Conditions not in place for fair polls in Cambodia: HRW

New York (PTI): A leading human rights group says that the conditions for free and fair parliamentary elections in Cambodia are not in place with near monopoly of the ruling People's Party (CPP) on broadcast media, bias within electoral apparatus and harassment of the opposition party members.

"Elections in Cambodia under existing conditions devalue the process and put a free and fair vote further out of reach of the Cambodian people," said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch.

Human Rights Watch (HRW) said the 11 political parties competing in the July 27 election for the national parliament have not had equal access to radio and television which are by far the "most important sources" of information for the Cambodian people.

"Information broadcast on television and radio is almost exclusively favourable publicity for the incumbent CPP. Positive coverage of Prime Minister Hun Sen and other party leaders dominates. When the stations cover the opposition, much of the coverage is negative," it said in a statement.

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